Описание: Целью данной книги является развитие у студентов понимания домашней окружающей среды. В данной книге дом рассматривается как совокупность тщательно проанализированных ингредиентов. Издание содержит следующие основные разделы: 1. Выбор пространства для проживания. Рассмотрены аспекты, которые необходимо учитывать при проектировании дома. Дано представление о традиционных архитектурных стилях. 2. Рассмотрены такие типы дизайна, как конструктивный, натуралистический, стилизованный, геометрический и абстрактный. Подробно рассмотрены проблемы цветы и освещения, выбор преобладающих линий, формы и пространства, а также орнаменты и текстиль. 3. В качестве принципов дизайна рассмотрены такие аспекты, как гармония, пропорции, баланс, ритм, акценты 4. Показаны существующие стили мебели (от древних до современных ) и их характерные особенности. 5. В данном разделе представлены такие финальные штрихи, как эклектическое декорирование, аксессуары, сервировка стола, кухонные ткани, шитье для дома.
Вариант описания на английском: A primary purpose of Dorothy Stepat DeVan's writing was to aid students in developing an understanding of the home environment as it relates to personal development and affects relationships between family members. In her first edition she used the delightful French phrase joie de vivre, or "joy of living" to describe the happiness that is a direct result of our surroundings, of the aesthetic, functional living areas we create, design, and decorate. She emphasized the home as the sum of well-analyzed and selected ingredients, and also that such constitutients as furniture, decorations, and basic home products need to be chosen in relation to the family budget. This farsighted, total approach to home decorating was ahead of its time with her first edition in 1964. She continued to keep her book timely with publication of the second edition in 1971. Recognizing societal changes that evolved during the sixties, Stepat-De Van revised her text to reflect the greater awareness of needs and rapidly emerging new technologies resulting in new requirements for living space along with innovative household products. The current authors have learned much from her example, especially that a textbook should reflect a society's present and emerging needs. We think she would understand why the book itself has taken on a new look and a new title. It reflects not only the societal changes she recognized in her writing, but also college course changes toward an emphasis on interiors rather than home furnishings per se. The word interior has many levels of meaning. It is an extension of the home as a shelter and has to provide for our needs for warmth, security, and coziness. Functionally, an interior not only serves physical but also psychological needs, representing the ideals, desires, dreams, and search for beauty of its inhabitants. Another meaning for an interior is to convey a sense of order, which we all require in our lives. This order is created through the arrangement of the space to control movement and activities within it. An interior also expresses personality; it can be friendly, open, or limiting. In addition to function, an interior has an aesthetic quality, conveying a sense of form, color, and design. |