Вариант описания на английском: The Bright Blue Death is Nicholas Browne's last Killmaster adventure before he disappeared. This title is also the 30th Nick Carter. They called themselves the Teutonic Knights, and they were neo-Nazis thirsting for revenge of the Fatherland. A half-mad genius was leading them with dreams of ruling the world. He has the means to destroy if if any one dared to resist. The first steps had already been taken. Carefully selected victims were dying from a mysterious painful disease. Each one vital to their countries survival. It was Nick Carter's job to destroy the madness. His success was riding on two sultry and sensuous women. One was scornful and a headstrong Swede who was supposed to be Nick's partner. The other was a treacherous amoral American who was his enemy. The dwarf laughed, his body shaking with glee. He liked to see beautiful women tortured. The giant with the mind of a child stared. He did not understand the terrible scene before him. The girl was bored, her face betrayed no emotion. She had seen the scares and heard the screams too often. The count was seething with rage. He was going to prolong the agony for a long time. The setting was in a vast meeting hall of the Teutonic Knights. Before them on a table, lay a lovely blonde woman. Her eyes had fear in them. From head to her heart wires ran to a small control panel next to the count. The count turned to the big American at his side and said "Your next, Nick Carter." |